Questions and Answers

Question Answer
Does Principal Force waves move in a straight line? Only when they are not affected by an imbalance of non-axial/directional Principal Force waves or other waves having the property of being able to influence Principal Force waves.
Should Principal Force waves  be perceived as a kind of 2-dimensional ?sinusoidal style wave? No, the Principal Force waves should be perceived as 3-dimensional "overinflated balls" that are close neighbours in a flexible 3-dimensional array.
Alternatively one may perceive the Principal Force as a zero-size point that forward events (like other waves) and where the points depending on external effects may change the direction of the events.
We can observe and touch mass all around us. How can it possibly not exist? Given the fact that from the very beginning of the universe nothing existed, the idea of a sustained concrete mass is not likely. This is supported by the particle/mass duality observations where mass may disappear "randomly". This is caused as atoms and quantum particles according to the theory only consists of (wave and) Principal Force wave interactions on a quantum mechanics level.

Then of course another questions remains; where did the waves come from? The thesis does not touch such "root" questions.
Could Quantum Particles have even smaller building blocks? It's obvious that the Principal Force waves and any waves/radiation has some kind of structure, mechanism and properties that are smaller than the observed quantum particles. Today, science define radiation/waves as energy/disturbance, but we know very little about what it really is.  

Keep in mind that the theory herein dismisses quantum particles as mass and something concrete. Hence, the concept of smaller building blocks should be referred to as less observable and less frequent incidents of wave interactions.
Was Einstein wrong when devicing Spacetime? For the theory part; yes - kind of. Spacetime is virtual in the meaning of it being mathematics only. Spacetime is in short, a model not based on actual physics. The math part is very clever and match observations very well however. For the observations we are able to perform Einstein was clearly very close to proving that Spacetime is correct. It's however not proven physics.

As Principal Force explains the confusion related to the 4th dimension and Spacetime, Spacetime is transformed from a working mathematical model into an understanding that relativistic effects are in fact results of the physical behaviour of Principal Force waves and their properties.
How does Spacetime relate to Principal Force? The curvature as described by Spacetime is in fact to some extent the same bending effect a "mass" (like a planet) exerts on Principal Force waves. The bending is caused by the mass/object creating Principal Force shadows that affects the direction of the Principal Force. The closer the Principal Force waves pass the object, the greater the bending effect.
But LIGO has detected gravitational waves? First of all, the LIGO findings are disputed. But, anyway we should expect to see variations in measured "gravity" style forces on earth as Principal Force waves are bent when passing through Principal Force shadows throughout space and possibly also in the atmosphere etc. 
We can see this on a grand scale by the earth tides caused by the moon rotating the earth creating a Principal Force shadow onto the earth between the earth and the moon.
Clearly major cosmic events that repeatedly bend and redirects the Principal Force waves will provide an effect where the waves appear to have ripples and change their speed, direction and so on seen from a distance. 
The so-called noise in the LIGO experiments may very well be the same changes in Principal Forces waves hitting earth. The source may be other planets in specific single or combined positions or any cosmic event that simply happens somewhere out there without any scientists knowing about them.