The theory of a Principal force may open physics to allow for new science, new machines, almost "free" energy, "unlimited" space travel and endless new possibilities. As such knowledge should be available to all mankind, no early and/or generic knowledge into the physics described should be protected by a single entity or a few entities for commercial and/or protective reasons.
A principal force that can be manipulated and/or controlled will likely allow for (almost) "free" energy and mechanisms that go beyond the current capabilities within the areas of energy, mechanics and physics.
It would be obvious to a technical skilled resource to create a machine that captures the force as described herein for the purpose of pushing mechanical parts or material beyond or below the normal levels experienced in the currently known non Principal Force based physics. Likewise, an "electrical" and/or "magnetic" device may be used to capture the Principal Force waves or effects to create "electricity" and/or mechanical forces. Either may be used to create "free" (low cost) energy devices, electronics and/or machinery. Likewize, a kind of energy "pump" may be devised in the same scope by any resource skilled in technology.
Some examples:
Focusing, bending, reflecting or by other means manipulating the Principal Force waves in a common direction and onto a selective "mass" could create an accelerating force onto this "mass" allowing for a linear, rotational, reciprocating or other kind of motion to be induced. Such a motion could in it's simplest form be a spinning wheel driving a generator or other rotational machinery used for any purpose that require energy. The manipulation required could be achieved by using special mirrors, special optics, reflective surfaces, combining materials with desired borderline properties and other methods. Such manipulation methods could be similar to the means humans use to control light and that allow for gamma radiation to be reflected at very small reflective angles using special "mirror" materials and surface treatment. Other methods could be to use super conductors, quantum effects, "magnetism", spinning "masses" and so on to change and control the direction of the Principal Force.
Within Quantum Physics the ability to control the Principal Force could allow for "spins", "levels", "states", "charge", "mass" and other quantum "particle" properties to be controlled by directing and controlling how Principal Forces "hit" and/or interact with quantum "particles", from which extremely small scale computers and other sub-microscopic "particle" quantum systems could be deviced. In theory a simple computer could be created within an atom.
Material treatment and manipulation would be possible to perform in new ways using Principal Forces. One scenario is to change the molecular structure to directly form one or more specific material(s) from another specific material by manipulating the atomic binding, allowing for example a water molecule to directly split into free Hydrogen and Oxygen atoms/gas, replacing (or improving) electrolysis processes and/or the need for fossil based Hydrogen sources altogether.
For near unlimited space travel speed and duration Principal Force waves could be harvested from non-axial directions and then these forces could be directed into the axial direction of travel to allow for null-energy or very low-energy accelerated motion. By adjusting the direction of harvesting and/or the axial direction the direction of the emitted forces; spin, speed and other properties of the travel may be controlled. It would compare to a solar capture shield, but the "sun's" forces would be available from all directions. Principal Forces are available also where no or very limited amounts of planetary "gravity" (PF shadows), light and other "stuff" exists, allowing for inter galaxy and inter solar system travel allowing a much wider access to the Universe for mankind.