From the "Changing Physics" page the reader may have observed that the Principal Force thesis
eliminates mass or a particle as an element and something substantial to be defined as a core element in physics.
Mass is in fact a
result of waves interacting, resulting in a particular wave behaviour.
Mass is as the resulting
effect primarily observed when wave interactions are exposed to, or include Principal
Force waves interactions.
This resolves the
minuscule atomic and sub-atomic quantum level physics versus the large scale
(Newton/Einstein) level physics dissemination. Mass is non-existing by itself,
but occurs as acceleration forces as a result of effects taking place between Principal Force waves (and other) waves, and possibly between other types of waves.
Prince Louis-Victor de
Broglie stated that matter in fact did show wave like properties and vice versa.
To define this, he called the waves in speak "matter waves".
Further de Broglie stated;
If an electron in an atom was treated as a wave, then the wave had to fit
exactly around the nucleus. A stable orbit is produced so the electrons do not
fall to the nucleus.
Mr. de Broglie understood
that something (wave like) needs to "match", in order for nuclear levels,
shifts and others to take place and indeed this define their properties. According to the thesis, Principal Force waves is a major (the only/primary?)
ingredient wave type that catalyst or control the atomic and quantum level wave
(group/particle) behaviour.
Again, while no mass
exists, Principal Force waves interfering and interacting with other waves cause
mass like properties (acceleration forces) to be observed, while also the
interactions with other waves may/will cause other types of observations. The acceleration forces could be seen as redirected or somehow resulting Principal Force (re-)actions.
The fixed localization
of mass as perceived by current physics (particle/matter wave) is explained to
be a kind of static wave or vibration with a specific wavelength and fixed location for this.
The thesis explains this "mass state" as a more or less synchronized wave
interference / interaction where Principal Force acceleration forces
"locks" the location and properties of the event, possibly until another event
releases it.
Hence, the state and
duration of the event may be static, dynamic, momentarily or more permanent.
This leads to the difficulty of defining how atoms and quantum elements behave
and their properties. The thesis claim is that mass and particles being defined
as "special cases" needs to be removed from physics and replaced with an
insight in wave interference and Principal Force wave effects.